News Item: 10th February 2014 – From Gordon Sherratt
At the recent committee meeting we decided to offer riders alternative ways to pay for the Track League this year. As BC are encouraging online we are offering a whole year payment and blocks of seven weeks as online entries. You will also be able to enter individual meetings online or on the night as before.
As a reminder, league membership is £12 for seniors, £8 for juniors and £6 for youth. Entry fees for meetings are £10 for all riders regardless of age in A and B leagues, £10 for seniors and juniors in C league, and all youths in C and D leagues.
Whole year payment.
There are 21 track league meetings, but as you can see there are significant savings by paying annually.
The cost to Senior riders will be £172 as opposed to £222 regardless of league. The equivalent for Juniors will be £168 and youths – see exception below – will be paying £70.
Youth A and B riding up will be paying £166.
these costs include league membership, are only available until the end of April and only online on the BC website. You will need to sign a membership form at your first meeting.
7 consecutive meetings payment
instead of the annual payment or paying for individual meetings, you can also choose to pay for a block of seven consecutive league meetings, paying for 6 rather than 7.
The cost for Seniors, Juniors regardless of league will be £60. Youth riders will be paying £24 except for U14 and U16 riding up who will be paying £60.
League membership will need to be purchased separately if you have not already done so. Again this is only available online.
For block memberships refunds will only be made in exceptional circumstances on application to the Track League Committee.
Gisela Bradbury will be taking over from me as League Organiser and will be listed on the BC website as league contact. If you have any queries on this method please email Gisela [email protected]